No Cook Homemade Play Dough

Hello there!

Last Saturday afternoon, my mommy and I tried to make our own play dough. We used the recipe from this site. I had so much fun because my cousins joined us and they also had a blast making it. After we make the play dough we immediately played, but unfortunately mommy forgot to take a picture of us playing.

co cook homemade play dough

This is our finished product.

At night I played again using our homemade play dough and my Play-Doh Picnic Set and animals. And here are some of my creations.


The play dough is incredibly soft and the smell is so nice because we used vanilla flavorings on it.

Here is the recipe that we used from Best Recipes with modification.


  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 tbs oil
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 2 drops liquid food colouring
  • Few drops of vanilla flavoring


  • Combine plain flour and salt
  • Add water, food colouring and oil. Mix until ingredients are combined.
  • 3 Knead well.
  • If consistency is too wet add a little plain flour.

That’s it! Easy to make as easy as ABC.

How did your weekend go?



30 thoughts on “No Cook Homemade Play Dough

  1. I never thought we could make our own play dough at home! I used to think we had to buy it from Toy Kingdom! I’m a fan of play dough before and I used to have a variety of colors. This made me look back at how fun my childhood was… which is something other kids nowadays are missing.

  2. Aww..seeing that reminds me of the time that I too made homemade playdough for the kids when they were younger to play with. IT was certainly better then the ones that are available in the stores.

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